That whole thing is such bullshit. Maybe let’s just accept that Jay may be stuck where he is-or he’s done all together. U can’t F*uck with the TONIGHT SHOW time slot! Its been a staple of american culture ssince the 60’s. NBC shouldn’t have f*cked w a good thing. Conan is the MAN and is finally settling into as far as MY BRAIN is concerned as host-and has always been why I watched NBC latenight in the 1st place. I was never a fan of Fallon-but he’s finally getting it-and I’m enjoying his show. LEAVE IT ALONE. (My humble opinion)
Tina DeNee"
Posted at 13:48h, 13 JanuaryThat whole thing is such bullshit. Maybe let’s just accept that Jay may be stuck where he is-or he’s done all together. U can’t F*uck with the TONIGHT SHOW time slot! Its been a staple of american culture ssince the 60’s. NBC shouldn’t have f*cked w a good thing. Conan is the MAN and is finally settling into as far as MY BRAIN is concerned as host-and has always been why I watched NBC latenight in the 1st place. I was never a fan of Fallon-but he’s finally getting it-and I’m enjoying his show. LEAVE IT ALONE. (My humble opinion)