Pink Tells Naysayer Fans To “Kiss My A–!”

Pink  Photo:

Pink had to cancel a show in Birmingham, England a few weeks ago and the fans who were set to attend are upset about it, letting the singer know but in a nasty way.

Pink snapped back, posting on her blog this message;

I sincerely apologize, AGAIN, for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Sincerely. I actually rode by the venue, and saw some of you in line, and there was not a f–king thing I could do about any of it. Except cry. My heart was absolutely broken.”

“I am getting a lot of hate mail from some of you, not all. But to those of you that expect and feel entitled to perfection; have a look at my track record—please—in general for tours past. I have an incredible record. I do not cancel and I do not take it for granted how much trouble people go to—from spending hard earned money they don’t have, to travel expenses and time and planning, etc. I take NONE of it for granted, EVER. ”

“I am a human being, therefore I am able to catch illness. It is beyond my control—and I can’t apologize for that. And you know what I’ve been performing through the last week? ROTA virus. Look it up. I challenge any one of you to do what I do while sick with that. You couldn’t do it.”

“For my loyal and understanding fans, I’m so sorry if I’ve hurt you in any way. For the rest of you—kindly kiss my entire almost back to healthy a–.”

Hmm. They might like that Pink.-DocFB

Diagnosis: Blow me… last kiss…



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