16 Dec Twilight Sequel “New Moon” Release Date Set.
Bringing up that Harry Potter does not have a movie scheduled at this time, “New Moon”, the sequel for Twilight, has been set.
November 20th, 2009 is the set release date at this time for “New Moon.” Wow. That is kind of early. Twilight has made a decent $150 million dollars so far. The number would be more impressive if they were not expecting $300 million dollars.
They are too Harry potter obsessed and it may bite them in the butt again releasing the movie just because Potter is not coming til July of next year and Thanksgiving weekend of 2010.-Dr.FB
Posted at 00:25h, 13 January2constraint
Antonetta Bridgens
Posted at 15:11h, 19 OctoberI think I’m gonna go and watch Twilight for a second time. I absolutely liked it!
Posted at 15:46h, 25 SeptemberHelo! Just saying hi and to let you know i like your blog. Please continute updating.
Posted at 15:41h, 25 SeptemberAn Interesting post Indeed! Looking forward to future posts!
Posted at 12:32h, 16 Decemberi am looking forward to seeing twilight when it finally comes out over here in the UK it looks awesome and if it anywhere as good as the books it wont be dissappointing 🙂