Is it even possible to lose your virginity at 8 years old? If you are Chris Brown, it sure is!
In a new interview with
The Guardian, Brown talks about how he lost it to a girl who was 14 or 15, and then goes on to say he is the "Prince of today";
"Yeah, really. Uh-huh." He grins and chuckles.
"It's different in the country." Brown grew up with a great gang of boy cousins, and they watched so much porn that he was raring to go.
"By that point, we were already kind of like hot to trot, you know what I'm saying? Like, girls, we weren't afraid to talk to them; I wasn't afraid. So, at eight, being able to do it, it kind of preps you for the long run, so you can be a beast at it. You can be the best at it." (Now 24, he doesn't want to say how many women he's slept with: "
But you know how Prince had a lot of girls back in the day? Prince was, like, the guy. I'm just that, today. But most women won't have any complaints if they've been with me. They can't really complain. It's all good.")
He knew he wanted to be a singer by the time he was 12....
"I drew a lot of inspiration from the Ginuwines, the Ushers, the Michael Jacksons, the James Browns,Sam Cooke. I was never afraid to take those steps or cross those boundaries of trying to be equal to those guys. I never doubted myself, and I thought if I'm going to do it, I've just got to work hard."
For more of the interview and what he said about Rihanna, click here!