20 May New Released Photo Of Patrick Swayze

Patrick Swayze & Wife. Photo: EntertainmentTonight.com
The rumors of Patrick Swayze passing away were long off and to prove it, Patrick released a photo of him and his wife at their home in New Mexico last week. This is the first public appearance or photo of him in about a month.
Glad to see him smiling but still pains my heart to see how skinny he is. There are traces of what he used to look like but it does look like a different person. He looks stronger then we last saw him though which is a good thing; either that or he was acting for the camera. I like to think it is not the latter.
It has been over a year since Patrick was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and has been in the fight for his life, a majority of the time looking like he was beating it. Lately, not so much but he is still fighting and I am sure your prayers mean a lot to him. So keep fighting Patrick and be that miracle, dude.-Dr.FB
Posted at 02:17h, 13 January2dexterous
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Posted at 04:14h, 01 NovemberPatrick Swayze is an award winning actor and i admire him a lot. his fans would surely miss him.
Linda Given
Posted at 12:25h, 07 JulyI refuse to believe Patrick will die. May be this sounds silly to some, but I have ever experience anyone with more determination and strength to fight for survival. You are not just a Hollywood Star, you are a beam of light to the world to never walk away from true hope. My love and respect and prayers goes out to you Patrick and your beautiful wife Lisa, and of course you entire family.
May the good Lord bless and keep you!
donna dalton
Posted at 23:25h, 03 JulyHang in there Patrick. God is the one who has the final say over what is to come. Trust in Him . Peace, love and health to you and Lisa. Prayers are being said for you. A long time fan.
susie payne
Posted at 18:53h, 26 JuneI just want to say hang in there I know you will fight a good battke and I pray you beat this disease .I was truly amazed with tou in the show the beast you are great actor and good man my prayers go out to you and youre wife and family god bless you ..susie
Alyssa Austin
Posted at 16:22h, 24 MayI am so sorry about your sickness . I am so sad, you have been one of my favorite stars . I have always wanted to meet you. I am sure you here that alote. I hope you over come this sickness I hope thay find a cure for you very soon. My husband died back in “1999”. I know your wife is feeling alote of hurt. I will be praying for you and your family.
I send all my LOVE !
Your friend , Alyssa Austin
Posted at 11:01h, 22 Maymy dad was just diagnosied with pancreatic Cancer. Patrick you have given it all to the fight . My dad said he is going to do the same. I am praying for you and Lisa everyday!! God Bless and keep smiling that sweet smile…
attract wealth
Posted at 07:36h, 22 MayI recently lost my father to lung cancer and I know the pain and suffering he went through as well as what it is like to watch someone go from perfectly healthy to complete decline. It is a cruel disease and I hope him and his family are finding the strength to deal with this trying situation.
Debbie Untied
Posted at 20:46h, 21 MayYou look good Patrick.Dont give up-KICK ITS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patrick Swayze Update: It’s Not Looking Good | Dr. Funkenberry's Celeb News
Posted at 03:04h, 21 May[…] as of 05/20/09 http://www.drfunkenberry.com/2009/05/20/new-released-photo-of-patrick-swayze/ Tags: Jump, Pancreatic Cancer, Patrick […]
Posted at 13:51h, 20 MayA young girl from a small town in Illinois once danced with Patrick and what he said to her changed her life!I hope that he knows what a true inspiration he is!My thoughts and prayers are with him and his loved ones!Thank-you for sharing the pic.
Posted at 12:50h, 20 MayThis picture shows that Patrick is still fighting. He actually looks pretty good here. Pancreatic cancer is pretty much a death sentence, sorry to say. One of my uncles had liver and pancreatic cancers. The cancer in the liver cleared up but it was the pancreatic that took him. 🙁 It’s been a long battle for Patrick but he does look good.
Posted at 11:33h, 20 MayHe’s been very brave and it’s admirable how he just gave the finger to the disease. Positive thoughts being sent his way!
Nurse Goodbody
Posted at 11:27h, 20 MayLove this pic. He is a strong man, and seems like he is enjoying his life to the fullest. The dog is sad, he knows Patrick is very very ill.
Thanks for posting Dr. FB 🙂
Posted at 11:26h, 20 MayIt’s so sad that he has cancer, but I give him credit for not allowing the disease take over his life. I wish his family and him well. I will keep him in my prayers.