11 Feb Fashion Designer Alexander McQueen Takes Own Life

Alexander McQueen. Photo: Derrick Santini
British fashion icon and designer Alexander McQueen may have taken his own life. He was found dead in his home, just days after his own mother died. It is being reported as a suicide.
His mentor, Isabella Blow committed suicide as well, by drinking weed killer.
I keep reading reports where everyone says what a nice guy he was and a kind heart. That’s sad.
His death is sad as he was only 40 years old. I am trying to keep my own convictions out of this but must say……there has to always be another way. Suicide is not the answer.
His death will no doubt be talked about for some time but in my mind, no tears can be shed for someone who took their own life. Life is hard. Life sometimes sucks. Straight up, suicide is not the answer.-Dr.FB
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Posted at 03:59h, 12 FebruaryJust remember that DrFunkenberry is NOT a real doctor. Love u doc, but sometimes u speak on issues u know nothing about, like so many others. No 1, & i mean NO 1 knows what was going on in this man’s head & heart. Most ppl that commit suicide have some history of mental illness, & un42n8ly, because of the stigma that mental illness has in our society, those ppl r either misdiagnosed, or they simply never seek help, & then they end up doing destructive things 2 themselves & others. & yes it is sad, & yes, regardless of how some 1 looses their life, EVERY1 is worthy of a tear or 2 when they pass so suddenly & tragically!!! FYI, i used 2 feel the same way doc, but life has a way of teaching me humility, empathy & sympathy. & the older i get, the less qualified i feel i am 2 judge others’ decisions. Question? Yes! Wonder? Yes! Judge? Huh, i can’t even judge myself accur8ly, how am i gonna judge another???!!!
Posted at 18:51h, 11 FebruaryDoc ur remark about no tears is a little insensitive. I agree that suicide is not THE answer, but if u think that is the only sollution to end ur pain i can respect that. Everyone has the choice …
maybe it could have been different if he had someone who could help him… but lets b honest; who is there really in such cases to help someone? Real friends/family that will b there for u – really there – are seldom…. at some time u will b back on ur own & then what?
Maybe the pain Mr Mc Queen had was unbearable..losing ur mother is pretty devastating. A good friend of his took her life 2 years ago.. i mean pfff one blow after the other
Who are we to say how much pain someone has and must endure…..
Posted at 18:36h, 11 FebruaryShalon said it wisely and thoughtfully… “Some of us lack coping skills to deal with extreme pain and grief/loss.”
I had much loss recently and i’m dealing with it best I can. I remember taking my grandfather to the grave site of my grandma, I thought he was going to have a heart attack right there… I will never forget his face and all the fluids that left his body right then and there.
Many cannot understand those who commit suicide but surly it’s no laughing matter, do you think if they could cop they wouldn’t?
Anyway… Thanks Shalon for bringing tack and sensitivity to the forum.
Posted at 15:30h, 11 FebruaryTerrible news. Just seen the report on Sky News. RIP Alexander.
Posted at 13:19h, 11 FebruaryNo tears can be shed? Ouch. That seems a little harsh.
I have been there, I know the feeling of the inability to cope with pain. I was so close to my mom that when she died unexpectedly I couldn’t see ever getting past it or living without her.
When your mom drops dead on your family room floor of your house, your mind plays tricks on you.
Some of us lack coping skills to deal with extreme pain and grief/loss. Clearly his mom’s death last week was a huge part of it.
Posted at 13:09h, 11 FebruaryI have felt helpless at one time and a complete failure.
Trust me, my life has been extremely hard and many people in my shoes would ended the pain a long time ago.
I chose not to and I am still here. I have had a lot more darkness in my life than light but I choose to focus on the light n not the darkness is all…..
Posted at 12:54h, 11 FebruaryI disagree with you, Doc. Tears should be shed over Mr. McQueen. I never heard of him until today but unless you have been at the point where you felt completely helpless and a failure, I completely understand and sympathizes with anyone wanting to end their pain.
Posted at 12:13h, 11 FebruaryIt happens EVERY day to EVERYONE.
We only hear about it more when it comes to celebs.
In all honesty, I feel worse for that 14 year old girl who died of a heart attack.
Now, that was truly sad.
Miss Fortune
Posted at 12:07h, 11 FebruaryHow incredibly sad!!! Just like you say, Dr F, suicide can’t be the only way…but it’s truely sad that life can be to painful to coop with at all…and why does it so often happend to really talented, artistic, creative people?