12 Mar Justin Caught Bringing “Sexyback” To His Hotel Suite?

Justin Timberlake. Photo: Flynetonline.com

Justin Timberlake. Photo: Flynetonline.com

Random Go-Go Dancer. Photo: Flynetonline.com
Justin. Justin. Justin. Sometimes, what happens in Vegas, doesn’t really stay in Vegas.
Justin Timberlake was at Tao nightclub in Las Vegas getting rather comfortable with a latina go-go dancer. He also flirted with a blonde go-go dancer but no photos of that….yet. He took off about 2:30 A.M. in the morning.
However, it is being reported by our private eyes that Justin took the 2 go-go dancers back to his hotel suite. No photos of that….yet.
Guess we can now start those Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are over stories.
So, did Justin bring “Sexyback” to his hotel suite or not?-Dr.FB
News Boxers & Briefs: Relationship Edition | Drfunkenberry.com
Posted at 11:28h, 15 March[…] to rumors and photos we posted of Justin at Tao Nightclub in Vegas, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are still together…. So guess Justin […]