17 Mar Britney Spears Leaves Boston Lukewarm

Britney Spears In Boston. Photo: Matthew West
Britney Spears performed at the Garden last night to somewhat mixed reviews. To be fair, hard to compare her to Madonna. Just because they made out doesn’t mean the talent transferred.
No so-called Va J J hanging out moment. No “if You Seek Amy Being A Skank” moments. All she had was her voice lip synching and dance moves to pull her through.
We love Britney but we have to call it as we see it. We are sure by the time the L.A. shows roll around, her lip synching will be top notch.-Dr.FB
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Posted at 05:48h, 06 April… [Trackback]
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Posted at 19:31h, 17 Marchthe britney show is gonna be hot but then again im not going to hear her sing the girl is f.i.n.e
Posted at 15:57h, 17 March^ LOL I’m feeling embarrassed for MJ already.. and Britney just a talentless sket cadet.
Posted at 12:18h, 17 MarchCan’t wait for the Michael Jackson lip synching to come around at the o2 so we can compare… you know how it is.