09 Nov Adam Lambert Attends The Revival Tour

DrFunkenberry.com Exclusive! Adam & Pam Take In Frank Turner: Photo XMgirl
Adam Lambert attended the El Rey show of the Revival Tour and a good fridnd was there to take it all in.
For those of you who don’t know, The Revival Tour is the brainchild of Chuck Ragan and combines the form and sound of traditional vaudeville-style bluegrass concerts with the new wave of punk-influenced acoustic artists. Each show differs from the last, with no set lists, no changeovers/individual set times, and no break in music for almost 5 hours (except maybe an intermission). Players share the stage throughout, coming on and off stage to play together, to break off and do solo songs, to honor shout-out requests from the crowd other their back catalog, and generally put on an amazingly memorable and unique show.
Adam told Pam that he was there to see Audra Mae specifically.
I was supposed to be at the show but I effed up. Thanks to Pam for being there along with the photo. She is also the one who was in London a couple of weeks ago and had Amy Winehouse serve her a pint at a local pub.-Dr.FB
Update: Adam Lambert couldn’t have been a nicer, more gracious, person. He was busy watching Audra Mae sing when I asked for the photo, but later came & FOUND ME(!) for the pic. Seriously, what celeb does this?! Super cool. Definitely gonna buy his music & support his career.
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Biebers Princess
Posted at 22:57h, 21 Julyhaha I totally adore Justin Beiber!!
Anya Sweet
Posted at 03:37h, 23 NovemberAdam Lambert is a very good performer, me and my boyfriend voted for him on American Idol. So many in the business have really noticed Adam. Given his talent, I would guess Adam will be someone many will want to work with, but he is a highly creative artist and won’t slip into someone elses shoes for long.
uberVU - social comments
Posted at 20:27h, 09 NovemberSocial comments and analytics for this post…
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Adam Lambert Brasil | A sua maior e melhor fonte brasileira sobre o cantor! » Blog Archive » Adam assiste ao show da Revival Tour
Posted at 19:40h, 09 November[…] Fonte: Dr.Funkenberry.com […]
Everyone’s Eyeballs are Freaking Me Out!
Posted at 19:20h, 09 November[…] the El Rey show of the Revival Tour that Adam went to recently. This pic was posted on IDF. IDK if it’s the lighting or what but […]
Stalkerazzi on the Job – Adam Lambert (and a bit of Kris Allen & Allison Iraheta) Part 3 « Randomize ME
Posted at 19:09h, 09 November[…] Opening up a new post that’s just all about Articles/ Tweets/ Media links or rumor-mongering/ private life/ stalkerazzi/ whatever since the old one got too long … The previous Stalkerazzi Post Part Two is found here. News about their albums/concerts/gigs is found here. Oh, so that twitterer was right, Adam was at that Revival Tour… Adam Lambert Attends The Revival Tour […]
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Posted at 18:15h, 09 November[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by A. and Michelle, Robertina. Robertina said: Aww, cute messy hair in his eyes! RT insomniac19 http://bit.ly/3iRBeR […]
Posted at 18:11h, 09 NovemberHe was really chill in person. Didnt expect him to be as warm, chatty and friendly not sure why. Maybe cos the photos you see of him in the media are posed and not smiley lol? Anyway great guy.
Posted at 16:28h, 09 NovemberThe gig sounds really cool
Posted at 13:59h, 09 NovemberForgot to add.. Adam Lambert couldn’t have been a nicer, more gracious, person. He was busy watching Audra Mae sing when I asked for the photo, but later came & FOUND ME(!) for the pic. Seriously, what celeb does this?! Super cool. Definitely gonna buy his music & support his career.
Posted at 13:55h, 09 NovemberLove ya!! xo