05 May Bret Michaels Gets People Cover; “I’m Lucky To Be Alive”

Bret Michaels. Photo: People.com
Bret Michaels has been released from the hospital and is still under care and watch but he is also on the cover of the new issue of People Magazine.
Hmm. I thought Country singer Chely Wright coming out was supposed to be the People cover. There I am looking at it and she is not even on the cover as a side story. It was the right decision to have Bret on the cover but she should have been at least the side story but I guess that’s what happens when it gets leaked you are supposed to be on the cover of People revealing your gay to the world a few days early. Yesterdays news.
Glad Bret is doing better and is determined to be touring again by the end of the month. He has made a miraculous comeback but is still in danger.-Dr.FB
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