07 Jul Video: Jesse Johnson Performs At The Roxy
What was to be a 40 minute set turned into a 2 hour funk fest. Jesse had no set list as the crowd just called out songs and he played them.
Jesse Johnson, who is the original guitarist of the Time, had people coming from as far as San Francisco to see him perform.
Jesse even admitted it freaked out his band members to not have a set list because all they would do at rehearsal is jam.
Check out “Be Your Man” and “Free World” above and for “Can You Help Me” follow us for more….-Dr.FB
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Posted at 11:32h, 07 OctoberI watched the video and I tell you, Jesse, you still have it. Have you ever thought about coming back to the QC to perform. I bet you people would love to see you. Keep up the good work!! rthomas (foxieroxie)
DJ Crucial
Posted at 18:07h, 11 JulyI guess it was my fault he dad not do a 2nd verse of FREE WORLD, I was the one he pointed to at the end and said ” I was watching you for the words” Sorry guys, next time i will bring the big lyric cards. SHOW WAS AMAZING, Best show i have been to in a long time.
Posted at 18:07h, 10 JulyIt was a Blast, I wouldn’t of missed it for the world, Working with JESSE JOHNSON for the last 4 years has been the most Educational learning Experience for me. He as First and far most My dear Friend and Producer along with David Cochrane formally of (The Commodores) have Toghether Produced My new Upcoming C.D. “Mi Vida” (My Life) and without the sounds and Of Jesse Johnson, it would have made it just another Spanish English C.D. .. But with his Touch. Its JESSE JOHNSON
Love you Jesse
Con Amor (Techeetah)
Posted at 11:15h, 08 JulyJesse played 2 hours of old time jamming that you NEVER see anymore. It was a show I will never forget !!!!
Posted at 23:49h, 07 JulySounds like a gr8 nite. Wish i could have attended. The ticket price was reasonable to.
Posted at 18:25h, 07 JulyWOW ! . . . I wish I could have been there . . . Much love for Jesse . . . Thanks Doc for. Posting
Posted at 17:55h, 07 JulyMy husband loves Jesse’s music and him as a guitarist….It was a Tuesday night, we work, have kids, blah blah, etc…but it was date night and my husband wasn’t gonna pass this performance up and OMG I was very excited and in AHHHHH after his performance. I literally stood there for 2 hours (next to the crazy dancing gurl) and enjoyed a great intimate concert. Thank you for showing me that musicians like you still exist. You are a great performer and a great guitarist. Thank you for the opportunity to see your performance; we would love to see more!!! May GOD continue to bless you…Mahalo Jesse!!
Posted at 17:07h, 07 JulyGreat night of music with one the baddest guitarists around! Also my brothers Terry Lewis and Jerome Benton were in the house for support. so endeth the lesson!
Posted at 15:35h, 07 JulyBlood, Sweat, and Tears kids. Anything is possible.
Nice piece Jesse!
Posted at 14:32h, 07 Julygreat man great music . JUST : MORE.
Posted at 13:17h, 07 JulyWhat an unexpectedly great show. I went in with no expectations thinking I’d hear only a couple of his old hits. Well as the Doc said, he basically played anything the crowd shouted out so he ended up playing nearly EVERY old school jam of his, including my favorites “Crazy (for you)” and “Black In America”. And having him close with “One last song that even the band didn’t know I was going to play… and I wrote it.”, that song being his “other band’s” hit, “Jungle Love”! Just too fonkay. And it was great to see all the support for him. Hopefully he’ll come back again soon!
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