This N That

First, for those who celebrate holidays,  I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

I spent it very sick and had a turkey sandwhich and watched the Cowboys game. 

Speaking of very sick, I have been sick a lot lately…like all the time.  So this weekend had more to do with me resting instead of posting then any news happening.  It was time to kind of slow my role.

I work hard at the site (I refuse to call it a blog cuz I hate that word) but it is not my full time job, even though a celeb news site, is a full time job in itself.  It took years for the big name celeb sites to take off and I know for a site like this not being around even a year to even be compared to those other sites at all is very cool.  It takes a lot of work and I am still going to be doing that, but in moderation.

Just give me a few days and the stories will be coming back in with regularity and there will be a few changes here n there with this n that.

I want to thank you all so much for coming here every day n thru the day.  It does mean a lot to me and I hope you like the new changes that will be coming your way.-Dr.FB



  • Agent65
    Posted at 10:53h, 02 December

    #1 funkenbaby biatch!!!!!

  • Vanity46
    Posted at 16:38h, 01 December

    Sorry to hear you are sick…I wish you very well soon. Hopefully your nurses will take good care of you:)

  • justmemuchlove
    Posted at 11:52h, 01 December

    Just take good care of yourself Dr. FB. I check the site daily and love to read all the news but your health is more important. If you need to take a step back for a while just take your time, alright. (hug)

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