09 Nov Katy & Russell Stay Inseparable

Katy Perry & Russell Brand. Photo: Fame Pictures.com
Katy Perry & Russell Brand have been everywhere this weekend. From Ireland to London and back to Russel’s pad to play Monopoly. Yea right!
We hear Russel is about to sell one of his famous bachelor pads. Uh oh. Getting very serious maybe?
Here they are after one of Russells gigs at the Royal Albert Hall. They look tired as hell. Some people may see this photo as them not happy but I just think they had a wild n crazy weekend n just can’t wait to sleep.
Russell had this to say about Katy in a recent interview:
“I’ve been really happy in the last couple of months. All I know is that I have met someone who I like and makes me happy. I am very much fulfilled. Having met Katy she has certainly been a catalyst in changing my life but I have been changing my life for myself first and foremost, because it’s a better way for me to be living at this time.”
Wait. Russell is in love with Katy? Sigh. I am Sooooooo not feeling this couple. Love? Really? Is the Playboy Comedian’s wild days in the past? Why do I doubt it?-Dr.FB
Update: (from a person who attended the show)
The Royal Albert Hall was a great show last night he didnt seem tamed down, asking 2 of the girls if they came as a package and telling someone else that he would love them up the back, and that was whilst Katy was in the room.
Posted at 16:17h, 09 Novemberb3xy, I’m SO jealous! I could not get tickets!
He’s quite obviously loved up, but just because she has taken your virginity Russell, you do not have to marry her!
Posted at 09:43h, 09 NovemberBecause they wont be able to be together every single day, and as soon as he is by himself his mind will wander.
He has become even hotter for those trying to become famous since he has pledged himself to katy
I do wish them all the best but I just cant see it lasting.
The Royal Albert Hall was a great show last night he didnt seem tamed down, asking 2 of the girls if they came as a package and telling someone else that he would love them up the back, and that was whilst Katy was in the room.