30 May Celine Dion Is Pregnant With Twins!

Celine Dion File Photo
She has tried 6 times in-vitro and the 6th time worked. She stayed in New York City over a month alto taking acupuncture treatments to help and from what Celine Dion said, “It works!”
She is about 4 months pregnantand is hoping for a healthy pregnancy as there has been a few false alarms in the past.
Her husband, Rene Angelil 68, and her have one child previously that is 9 years old named Rene-Charles.
Congrats to Celine & Rene!-Dr.FB
Posted at 20:11h, 30 MayCongrats to Celine and Rene! I pray that the babies will be healthy and happy.
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Posted at 19:22h, 30 May[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by drfunkenberry, JT Maxwell. JT Maxwell said: RT @drfunkenberry: .: Celine Dion Is Pregnant With Twins! http://www.drfunkenberry.com/2010/05/30/celine-dion-is-pregnant-with-twins/ […]