04 Jan No. 9 The Mumbai Attacks

A Protest After The Mumbai Attacks: File Photo
The day before Thanksgiving, a vicious terrorist attack happened in Mumbai, India. The targets? Americans.
One woman who was there on business and with two non-American business partners, herself Canadian, made a break from the terrorists, thru the kitchen and then out to a house where here and others were safe, but not sound. The woman, Manuela Testolini, called CNN while in hiding, to let family and friends know that she is safe and give inside information on what went down.
After several days of trying to obtain a new passport and i.d., she was out of India and flying back home. Several of you had the victims and prisoners along with Manuela in your prayers. She has had several requests for interviews with all the major networks and news organizations since her safe return. All were declined. All except Dr. Funkenberry.com
Here is a exclusive personal message from Manuela to Dr. Funkenberry’s readers:
“now that i’ve had a chance to regroup after mumbai, i wanted to thank you all for your concern & your prayers. i am so blessed to be surrounded by such love & support, and infinitely grateful for both. much love to all of you…
Thanks to Manuela for that and here is hoping that she never charts on our top ten list for this ever again.-Dr.FB
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