12 Jan Prince Throwing Golden Globes After Party Bash

Prince Gets The Golden Globe For Best Parties. File Photo
As you read this, things at Prince’s Golden Globes after party should just be starting to get into swing.
The Emmy’s last year sucked, but the party at Prince’s more than made up for it. The purple host should be entertaining winners and presenters (there are no losers if you are partying with Prince.) and others.
Prince recently announced to the L.A. Times that he is releasing 3 new cd’s in 2009, Lotus Flow3r, Mplsound and the project with Bria Valente. (Anyone hip to this site knew stuff was brewing long before anywhere. Not bragging, just making sure you are paying attention to this site.) You should also pay attention to Lotusflow3r.com, Prince’s official web site.
Here is the L.A. Times Prince interview part 1 and part 2 with Prince again to hold you over.
As for the retailer that will most likely distribute the new cd’s ,we have a pretty good idea as well as some others, but rather wait to give you the news when it has been finalized. Don’t call me a tease, cuz you know in the end, I intend to please.
While that happens, here is hoping sometime today, we have some sort of review for you all about the party. You know one thing, I will try.-Dr.FB
Update: Nothing yet on what took place and what the host provided for entertainment. The Golden Globes were pretty good last night so everyone should have been in a good mood and hungry. The main complaint last night was they took the food away too quickly. Aww, hungry celebrities.
Update2: Stilll haven’t heard anything. It did happen, but when he does not perform, people are not that quick to talk. Still trying…
Posted at 19:05h, 15 JanuaryThe web site and the articles look real cool, im more excited about that than the “celeb” parties. 2009 gonna rock!!
Posted at 00:31h, 13 JanuaryP=mv
Sounds fun.
Posted at 23:07h, 12 JanuaryThis kind of happened for the BET Awards & for a party dedicated to a Lin Drum machince. The party happened, we just did not find out the info til weeks later. It happens sometimes.
Posted at 22:23h, 12 JanuaryDoctor…I could have gone with u…trust me when I say I should have been up in that party….;)
Posted at 19:39h, 12 January‘Stilll haven’t heard anything. It did happen, but when he does not perform, people are not that quick to talk. Still trying..’
Keep trying! LOL
Give me their number, I’ll try if you like..
While I’m at it, Ima gonna get someone to remind Prince the holidays are over!
Posted at 14:30h, 12 JanuaryAnOtHeR PuRpLe PaRtY AftEr ThE AwArD ShoW……CaN’t WaiT 2 HeAr
ThE ReViEws Of It……….
Posted at 09:38h, 12 JanuaryCan’t wait for the report about the party!
Posted at 04:28h, 12 Januarysounds like a good time looking 4ward to the reviews
Posted at 03:51h, 12 JanuaryAlright.. have fun Prince (much love) and everyone 😉 . (justmemuchlove singing: shake it like you just don’t care)