08 Jul Bradley Cooper Is Getting Ready For “Valentines Day”

Bradley Cooper On Set Of "Valentines Day" Photo: SplashNewsOnline.Com
“The Hangover” stud was getting ready for “Valentines Day” yesterday. “Valentines Day” is the title of Bradley Cooper’s movie he is filming.
When it comes to the real V-Day, we have a feeling Bradley won’t have to worry about it being a happy one. In the past 2 weeks, Bradley has been linked to Renee Zelwegger and Jennifer Aniston as well. He said on both it was just a friendly thing, so we will take his word for it for now, just because Cooper is hot right now so why wouldn’t he want to play the field?
With all the stuff going on in the world, maybe I will see “The Hangover” this weekend again to take my mind off of things.-Dr.FB
Posted at 17:03h, 08 JulySaw The Hangover last week, VERY funny. Wasn’t expecting much, the trailer doesn’t do it justice. The actors were great.
Will look forward to this guy’s new film!