30 Sep You Heard It Here First!

Khloe Kardashian & Lamar Odom. Photo: SplashNewsOnline.Com
I sometimes have to laugh how slow other sites are on getting news. We told you Monday morning that Khloe & Lamar’s wedding was basically just for TV and not exactly legal. No one followed on Monday. Tuesday..a different story.
The other major blogs were confirming what I said that until that prenup, or in this case, postnup, the wedding was just for E! Television, who footed the wedding and filmed it for a future episode of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”, which will air on November 8th we are now being told.
The lawyers are not getting on the same page and there has been several delays.
For your daily dose of news and funk, and breaking news, Drfunkenberry.com is the spot! (For those that get upset at me for this being self-serving, when you are trying to establish yourself, you have to remind people that you are breaking the story first. Hope you understand and I get no grief.)
So what are the chances that the prenup or postnup falls apart and they don’t get married?-Dr.FB
Posted at 10:43h, 30 SeptemberDear Dr Funkenberry. There’s nothing wrong with claiming your credits. Even if it’s for breaking the news on those godawful Kardassians. You are my favorite new gossipblog – sorry to call you that- together with Roger Friedmans (I hope Roger Friedman will write a bio on MJ). And even if I hate those Karadassian-topics; since you probably despise Perez Hilton as much as , the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Keep up the good work!