11 Oct George Michael Released From Jail!

George Michael Photo: Kristie Wigglesworth/AP
We really HOPE George Michael has learned his lesson as he was released from jail early! Wow. We thought that only happened in Hollywood.
George was supposed to spend 8 weeks but only spent less than half. We hope no more drinking or smoking the cannabis while in the car, even if you are driving or just chilling in your car Georgie.
We are hoping this is your first and last incarceration for George Michael. We are pulling for you, George. You are too old to be having Lindsay Lohan headlines my friend.
Now, go out n get that “Faith” remaster Mr. Michael n remind us again how great you are.-Dr.FB
Posted at 05:22h, 12 OctoberI wish this guy would get his life together, quit the reckless behavior, and make more music. So much talent should not go to waste.
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Posted at 13:07h, 11 October[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michael Roovers, Steven Anthony. Steven Anthony said: RT @drfunkenberry: George Michael Released From Jail! http://dlvr.it/6tgrs [Best news I'll get all day. <3 George Michael] […]
Posted at 11:18h, 11 OctoberYour welcome. Most major media outlets have not reported on it. But they sure reported on it when he did go to jail. Hmm.
Posted at 10:37h, 11 OctoberLove for GM
Thanks for posting doc