17 Oct We Are Not Sure Jazzlyn Little Will Survive This Round Of X Factor
Jazzlyn Little did not blow me away with her version of “I Will Survive” on X Factor last night.
I’m not sure if it was a bad song choice by Simon. He felt that she had the powerful voice for that song, and this time….it was just average.
What do you think of Jazzlyn’s performance?
Diagnosis: We Hope She Does Survive To The Next Round
Posted at 22:06h, 08 DecemberWhen I first heard Jazzlyn Little throw down Mary J Blige for I’m Goin Down, I thought she sang it better than MJ…this Xfactor thing is wrong…I don’t think the judges are necessarily the best coaches…only in the case of Paula Abdul do I see a teacher… Rachel Crow is great, but has no business at 13 being caught up in the show, and neither did Astro or the cute blonde girl from Arizona. I am disappointed not to see Jazzlyn up there, but again, maybe 18 should be the cut off. Give the young people a vision, but don’t plop them down in it before the rejection factor is manageable. It’s is unkind and bordering on immoral.
Everyone of the judges knows this in their heart. Restructure.
Posted at 11:53h, 23 OctoberJazzyln Little, with training, could be the next Joss Stone. Her intensity suits that kind of music. Was more than disappointed that she did not go through. From a standing “O” to being kicked out. Really?
Simon has been a kinder, gentler judge which is also disappointing. I respected him for saying the words most people are thinking but won’t say it. Usually, he was right. American Idol had a great season when he left.
Emer Shovlin
Posted at 10:19h, 22 OctoberSimon picks the songs this was choosen on purpose as he knew Jasslyn would do poorly casue the song did not suit her she should not give up try next year why do people think she is too young look a Rachel Crowe and the age limit is 12
claire favretto
Posted at 23:32h, 19 OctoberZazzlyn Little was supposed to go through . She is a wonderfull singer . This show is already unfair and Simon’s dick is choosing some girls who are actually really gross and disgusting and vulgar but Simon likes that maybe , not for the singing but for what they can do latter after the singing is over . Really bad , i am very dissappionted . I am watching the show to hear and support Rachel Crow BUT when she is cut off IF she is cut off , i will stop to watch the X factor – like – forever . Tired of the BS . It is already getting on my nerves .
Best of luck Rachel !!!!!
Posted at 14:36h, 19 OctoberVery disappointed JL did not make the final cut. I had to struggle to watch the rest of the episodes. I will feel better if one of the judges or someone comes out and posts: yeah, she’s too young and inexperienced but we’re taking her under our wing and will give her some training and time. That would make everybody feel a whole lot better. The song she sang in France was not a good pick for her. Who picked that song? She would have lost some of her nerves if she’d had a better song. C’mon guys, she’s 16! Somebody tell me that you’ll train her and have her make some recordings. I’m waiting.