17 Aug Its True. Justin Bieber Is On The Cover Of Vibe. Seriously.

George Clooney was on Rock Center with Brian Williams talking about "The Descendants" and "The Ides Of March" along with collecting Oscar Awards. George also talked about his passion and his...
Howard Stern just won't take no for an answer when Simon Cowell refuses to talk about his relationships on air. Simon doesn't try to change the subject but that he would...
[caption id="attachment_7647" align="aligncenter" width="452" caption="Sandra Bullock1 Harpers-Bazaar"][/caption] Is Sandra Bullock delaying filing for divorce because she is afraid Jesse James will spread secrets about her? That is the rumor going around...
[caption id="attachment_19634" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Sandra Bullock. Photo: GettyImages.com"][/caption] Sandra Bullock was out yesterday in Beverly Hills to visit a friend who lives on the same street that Michael Jackson died in. It...