05 Oct David Letterman Blackmailer Deep In Debt

David Letterman File Photo
David Letterman, who was involved in a blackmailing scheme for $2 Million dollars by Robert Halderman was deep in debt as he went after Letterman.
The person in question is Holly Hester who told Halderman she had an affair with Letterman back in the 90’s. There is a question that this whole affair thing being brought to light and that he does get it on will tarnish his viewership with women.
Who writes that crap? It is not going to effect his viewership. I am sure they wanted to say will it effect him getting female movie stars but since so many people have defended Roman Polanski in Hollywood, they knew that Dave’s thing was nothing and is between the wife he has now, the woman he had the affair with and the person who is blackmailing Letterman.
Trust me, Conan O’Brien right now would kill for this type of press.-Dr.FB
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Posted at 21:08h, 06 April… [Trackback]
[…] Informations on that Topic: drfunkenberry.com/2009/10/05/david-letterman-blackmailer-deep-in-debt/ […]
Posted at 14:01h, 05 OctoberLetterman & his ratings will be o.k — Quite a few people have office flings — It’s not like Letterman is a policitain or a priest …. if both were consenting adults what’s the problem ?
George C. Scott | CrazyCeleb Blog
Posted at 11:01h, 05 October[…] David Letterman Blackmailer Deep In Debt […]