14 Nov Adrienne Bailon Photo Scandal: Playboy Offers $100,000

Adrienne Bailon Coming To Playboy Soon? File Photo
The Adrienne Bailon Nude Photo Scandal has taken two interesting turns.
1st, her old assistant says that the photos were planned to be leaked all along and came from her T-Mobile Sidekick, NOT her laptop computer. The assistant said with Cheetah Girls ending soon, she wanted to sex up her image.
2nd, Playboy has stepped up to the table and offered Adrienne $100,000 to pose nude for Playboy.
My thoughts? Wether they were leaked on purpose or not, the photos are out there. One way to make the photos not a big deal? Pose nude for Playboy. You will get money for your backside being put all over the Internets. I am sure after this week, a lot more people know who Adrienne is. Use this to your advantage and it obviously will get you more exposure for roles.
It is easy for me to say, but I think you should do it. Heaven knows, you are beautiful, but it is your body, your decision.-Dr.FB
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