08 Jan Tony Romo; Playoffs? Playoffs?
Tony Romo arrived with Jessica Simpson looking like he has recovered from the Dallas Cowboys spanking he got less than 2 weeks ago. Wish I could say the same.
Tony & Jess look happy and comfortably stylish while making their way out of LAX. Hopefully, I will run into Tony soon enough and not ask the same stupid questions that everyone else asks on ESPN.-Dr.FB
Posted at 00:50h, 13 January3quantity
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Posted at 19:33h, 06 April… [Trackback]
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Posted at 05:26h, 23 MarchI really liked your blog with the Cowboys mention! A Super Bowl maybe this year?!?
Posted at 00:29h, 09 JanuaryBecause, the quicker he ends the season, the more alone time he gets with you know who.
Remember, the fans care more than the players.
Posted at 21:44h, 08 JanuaryYeah, ask him something ESPN is scared to ask him, like: Tony, why do you break CJBabyDaddy’s heart in the final game each season, why?