12 Aug Prince Likes It When You Dance 4 Him

Prince Earlier This Year in L.A. Photo: WireImage.com
Prince is about to throw a mutiny overseas. Not only is he about to do 3 shows in Monaco, 2 in 1 night August 13th and 1 August 16th, respectively, but he has bigger plans in the mix.
We have learned exclusively that Prince’s next single will be “Dance 4 me” and there is going to be a major push in Europe. We hear there also be will be a remix to “Dance 4 Me” as well. Oh heaven yes! With the push overseas, could that mean some moreconcert dates over there? We are hearing rumors but nothing concrete.
I also heard something about his latest cd Lotusflow3r which was released in the States via Target WILL be getting a release overseas as well. Speculation right now but just keeping you locked in to all things paisley. (Note: I was told Because Music was going to release it September 7th but I forgot about that.)
You know when I have further info, I will let you know. Until then, just pick up them maracas n shake!-Dr.FB
UPDATE: Forgot to add no word yet on a “Dance 4 Me” video. Will let you if I hear anything.
Posted at 00:31h, 24 AugustLets jus say, video are not his fortay LOL. It wud be a waste of precious cha ching if u ask me. Fans dont wanna c him “fit in” with MTV BET dumb rotation vids. BOOORING
Posted at 01:59h, 22 AugustYES, PLEASE DO A VIDEO!!!!
Posted at 18:35h, 18 AugustHell to the naw to a dance for me video
Posted at 13:48h, 15 AugustHappy for the people over seas but please come to Atlanta!!!! It has been awhile. We miss you Prince!
Posted at 14:07h, 13 AugustDance for me is my jam! I love this song for the disco techs BUT Pleeeeeaaaaase not another video!!!! This man is a legend he dont need that to sell. It would be lame and predictable same ol same ol video ho’s dancing like strippers right next to Lil Wayne’s “lollipop”. UGGGH I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Keep this one in the clubs.
Posted at 11:32h, 13 Augustit’s gonna be a rap remix like the come on remix, i can just feel it !! lol
thanks doc
good he is releasing it overseas. im sure if it’s at a good price people will buy it and like it 🙂
i paid $70 for my lotusflow3r album and it was a bloody hard time trying to find it. not only that… the diffucult search wasn’t healthy too for the brain haha
Posted at 09:03h, 13 AugustI love it when he levitates like that. 🙂
Posted at 08:17h, 13 AugustI need an acapella!
Posted at 07:49h, 13 AugustGr8 news!
Posted at 01:04h, 13 AugustThanks for the info doc.
Posted at 00:09h, 13 AugustThat is exciting. Unless I read that wrong, I hope to God that Dance 4 Me will be a single here in the states too. I want to hear that song on ALL the radio stations here in NYC. That song is too good to ignore, plus there’s a remix to this song?! That’s FIRE right there! Makes me wanna shake my maracas and just DANCE!
Posted at 23:17h, 12 AugustCan the chu’ch ladies please raise their hands and say “Amen!”
Posted at 23:08h, 12 AugustStill in my iPod and I be sliding across the floor like butter in a hot skillet.
Posted at 21:24h, 12 AugustWWooohooo! Very exciting news for us lot ‘overseas’!.. ready and waiting to get funky already
Posted at 21:22h, 12 AugustHallelujah!
Posted at 19:33h, 12 AugustStill waiting for him to show some Phoenix love… I think it’s been since 2004 since he was here last. Ugh!!!! Should I give up hope?
Posted at 19:21h, 12 Augustlol I’ll dance 4 him any damn day!lmao And wait till you see one of the t-shirts I made!ha,ha,ha I put maracas on it and it says Shake your maracas!lmao 😉
Posted at 19:18h, 12 AugustBring the show to NYC and I will dance until I can’t dance anymore.
Posted at 19:18h, 12 AugustHallelujah!
Posted at 18:47h, 12 Augustquote “I also heard something about his latest cd Lotusflow3r which was released in the States via Target MAY be getting a release overseas as well. Speculation right now but just keeping you locked in to all things paisley.”
—> No speculation, pre-orders already gone to French record stores, label Because Music, distribution Warner. Date of issue 7th september 2009.
2 references are available as follow :
quote “We have learned exclusively that Prince’s next single will be “Dance 4 me” and there is going to be a major push in Europe. ”
—> An edit of Dance 4 Me has already been broadcasted on 3 major radios in France : France Inter, RTL and NRJ. It hes been rotating here since July 24th (at least).
Posted at 18:14h, 12 AugustSounds like it’s gonna be live! Then we get a remix?! Can’t wait….and check him out, he’s levitating! He still got it going on.
Posted at 17:29h, 12 AugustExcellent – One of the Better Songs off that Album. How Cool would a extended Jazz Version of this song be……????
Musgrave – Chicago
Posted at 17:15h, 12 AugustFINALLY – a good decision on what single to release! Hallelujah!!!
Posted at 17:05h, 12 Augustdefinitly looking forwerd to hearing the remix . and wishfully hoping we could hear the monaco shows come on p give us a webcast for lotus flow3r members
Posted at 16:59h, 12 Augustcool thanx 4 sharing the info. i hope he does some shows here in the States as well.