07 Jan Prince Likes Fries With His Keys

Bardot In Hollywood. File Photo
Prince has been spotted a lot at the club of the moment, Bardot lately. He even ducked cameras by TMZ last Saturday night.
Too bad they were not inside the club as Dita Von Teese turned into a mushy fan, planting some kisses on Prince’s cheeks. Prince laughed it up as they talked but then went back to watching the band Andy Clockwise play.
Also, last week on jazz night, Prince was chilling while a band was playing there and then out of the blue, just decided to join the band on stage. Yup, he just took over on the keyboards when the keyboardist wasn’t looking. The band, Lafayette and Trumbul was surprised but it did not stop Stewart Cole from blowing on his trumpet.
Prince has also been sighted there having fries with a different set of keys, Alicia Keys to be exact. The two friends chilled and exchanged conversation. Prince just launched a preview for his new web site over the weekend, you can peep a view at www.lotusflow3r.com and also listen to a few brand new songs.-Dr.FB
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Posted at 19:02h, 15 JanuaryEwwwwww he let Dita von grease kiss his cheeks. Who knows where those lips have been. Marilyn manson oh good god no! LOL
Posted at 08:32h, 10 JanuaryI’m so glad he has a website again. It looks interesting. I’m trying to figure out the meaning of the plant filled pyramids, the two rocks, the purple streaks going up, etc…. and I like how his nose and mouth are in the reflective ball. hmm. I can’t wait to hear all this new music, esp. the lyrics. So glad things are going well for Prince & friends. It’s gonna be an interesting/uplifting ride & I can’t wait!
Posted at 13:15h, 07 January🙂