25 Feb Twelve more sing till I bleed from the ears.

Adam Lambert courtesy of americanidle.today.com
This is going to be the most interesting night of Idol. I say that only because Normund/Nick, whatever his name is going to be is on tonight. Last week, we got the first three of the twelve. Tonight we have another twelve perform the best that they think they can. Unfortunately, or fortunately only three will make it through. Let’s see who those three are.
Jasmine Murray opens the night with “Love Song” from Sara Bareilles. I thought she did a good job with the song. I wasn’t blown away, but she did a decent job. At this point in the competition, that wasn’t nearly good enough to make it.
Then we have Matt Giraud performing his version of “Viva La Vida” from Coldplay. I like this kid a lot. I like his look, I think he has some nice soul. I thought he chose a good song, but I don’t think he sang it all that great. The falsetto was on the verge of annoying. He had some bad notes or bad note choices.
Jeanine Vailes was up next with “This Love” Maroon 5. This saddens me. I love this song. Maroon 5 is one of my favorite bands, so it hurts me to hear someone butcher a song I enjoy. That was so bad, it almost makes me want to never hear that song again. I’m telling you, I have to agree with the judges that tonight is not turning out to be a good night. Honestly, is Nick going to make it through because he IS the best singer of the night?
Finally Nick Mitchell/Nornund Gentle gets to sing “Your Gonna Love Me” first sung by Jennifer Holliday, but made most famous by Jennifer Hudson . That was awesome. This kid is funny, and he can actually sing. I almost hated to say it, but this guy has totally grown on me. He is such a performer in all aspects I can think of. I agree with Randy, the most entertaining performance I have ever seen. I actually want him to make it through, is that wrong of me?
Next up is Allison Iraheta singing “Alone” from Hart. This girl is pretty damn good. That was a great performance of that song. Hart is not an easy group to make your own, but I think she made it her own very nicely. My one issue, Paula said she she was really good with her mic handling. I was actually feeling a little inferior by the way she was “handling” the mic. Even with that, I think she is the front runner for the girls.
Kris Allen makes a daring choice to sing “Man in the Mirror” from Michael Jackson. I think it paid off for him. Mike is another one of those artists that people avoid because you just can’t give justice to a Mike song. In my opinion, he totally owned that song tonight, and right now he is by far the front runner for the guys.
Next up is Megan Joy Corkrey singing “Put Your Records On” from Corinne Bailey Rae. I totally fell in love with girl when I saw her during the auditions. I couldn’t remember her name, all I knew was I kept saying, “Where’s the girl with the one sleeve tattoo?” Well, here she is, and she is still as amazing as I remembered her during auditions. By far, the absolute best of the night, by far, of the night, by far. It’s going to be close between her and Allison, but I think she is better. But hay, there’s room for both.
Then we have Matt Breitzke with “If You Could Only See” from Tonic. I thought it was kinda bland. It started boring, and it ended boring. He’s a good singer, but that was not nearly good enough to make it through, not at this stage of the game.
Jesse Langseth follows him with “Bette Davis Eyes” from Kim Carnes. Allison and Megan set some pretty high bars for the girls to jump over tonight. To beat those two, you have to nail it so hard it hurts. That performance didn’t do it. She was good, just not quite good enough, but maybe in the Wild Card round.
Then, Kai Kalama is up with “What Becomes of the Broken Hearted” from Jimmy Ruffin. I liked him, but I think the song sucked. Again, at this point in the game, you gotta really do it right. He did it very wrong. I expected a little more that garbage from him.
Final girl to perform tonight is Mishavonna Henson with “Drop of Jupiter” from Train. At this point, I could say something nice about this performance, because it wasn’t that bad. However, the bottom line is did she nail it so hard it hurt? No.
Adam Lambert closes the night with “Satisfaction” from the Rolling Stones. This was, in my opinion, one of the riskiest performances of the night. It was also an amazing way to end the show. That was awesome. I absolutely loved it, loved everything about it.
Now, again, it’s down to my predictions. This is a hard one. I can’t narrow it down to three, but I can narrow it down to the top 4, and after that, whatever happens happens. The four I think should be in the top twelve are Allison Iraheta & Megan Joy Corkrey for the girls and Kris Allen & Adam Lambert for the boys. I really hope, the one that doesn’t make it through this week will make it through in the Wild Card round, because they were all so good.
dragon pharmaceuticals
Posted at 10:58h, 04 April… [Trackback]
[…] Read More here: drfunkenberry.com/2009/02/25/twelve-more-sing-till-i-bleed-from-the-ears/ […]
Shelby Cafferky
Posted at 13:30h, 09 SeptemberI’m a huge Sara bareilles fan. What I’ve heard of her newest album sound awesome.
Matt giraud
Posted at 01:06h, 06 MarchNice piece, friend. Easily your best effort, to date.