16 Oct Prince Talks About Michael Jackson’s Death

Prince & Michael Jackson. Photo: MSN.Com
In a french interview, Prince talked about Michael Jackson and was asked about his death and how he felt about it.
The english translation was posted on Prince.org, a Prince fan web site and here is a few quotes;
“When I played in London in 2007, the O ² Arena, I asked the producers what had been the record number of shows played consecutively in their venue. They said six. I said that I wanted to do twenty-one. During two weeks they refused me, nobody had ever played for so long. All concerts were nevertheless sold out. Since then, Michael Jackson showed me that I should go farther.”
When asked about performing the Jacksons “Shake Your Body Down To The Ground”, Prince added;
“My singer Elisa has the same timbre as Michael when he was young. And a good song is a good song.”
Lastly, the question that many people were wanting to know; How did Prince feel about the death of Michael Jackson?
(Prince, obviously reluctant, does not want to dwell on the subject.) “It is always sad to lose someone you loved.”
Well, there you have it. What do you think of Prince’s comment(s) regarding Michael Jackson?-Dr.FB
Posted at 15:24h, 17 OctoberI don’t see why people are so concerned about statements concerning mjs death. When m was going thru the worst hell of his life no one wanted any part of mj. No one came to m’s defense, celebs non fans and alot of fans as well.
As far as Prince’s comment, it was very respectful. I’m sure he prayed for Micheal’s soul which imo would have been enough.
Posted at 00:53h, 17 OctoberI was just watching today’s Oprah and Michael’s choreographer told a funny story about something MJ said about Prince, and about how much MJ admired Prince, especially “Purple Rain”.
Posted at 23:28h, 16 OctoberPrince is so dignified.
Posted at 21:50h, 16 OctoberPrince has shown great respect and class in this matter and his statement is thoughtful, true and appropriate.
Posted at 18:13h, 16 OctoberPrince comment was sincere, respectful and I admire him and love him.
Posted at 17:52h, 16 Octoberi think it was sweet what he said. 🙂
Posted at 16:38h, 16 Octoberwhilst I hate the fact that the public almost demands a response from celebs over Michael’s death and then assume if they don’t give one ‘they don’t care’ I always believed Prince did and what he said in the French interview was a nice thing to say bless him.
Posted at 16:35h, 16 OctoberPrince’s answer was respectful and quiet, as he has been in the past about loss of family or other musical icons. It’s all we are going to get and we all know not to expect more.
Posted at 16:30h, 16 OctoberPrince’s playing the Jacksons’ music on stage. Isn’t that the most touching tribute to MJ ???
Posted at 15:48h, 16 OctoberI too agree with Nakedmuscl3….I hope “prince.org…so-called fan site” gets SHUT DOWN ASAP….nothing but a bunch of “negativity” and whiners. Meanwhile, stfu prince.org.
Posted at 15:30h, 16 OctoberPrince said everything I wanted to hear from him regarding this matter. It was short and to the point.
And I agree with Nakedmuscl3 on his views about that so-called “fan” site.
Posted at 15:02h, 16 OctoberIt is so sad that some folks have waited for this moment just to criticize Prince. “It is always sad to lose someone you loved”…that’s a potent statement no matter who he was talking about. Did any of you making negative remarks notice the word “loved”? God is Love ya know. I know how Janet feels to have loss her brother, I also know how Prince feels as I have loss his mom and dad.
Doc. ty for you. Prince your elegance and lovingkindness is most certainly endearing.
Posted at 14:36h, 16 OctoberI think what he stated is… short,sweet and to the point.What else should he need to say?Hopefully now everyone can get off that question and move on to more positive things!Michael is missed and always will be!RIP Michael
Posted at 14:16h, 16 OctoberI think Prince is sincere but as always, very shy and he doesn’t like to talk about his personal feelings. It’s a small answer but really respectful.
Posted at 14:13h, 16 OctoberThanks, Doc. It is what it is, and while I personally didn’t NEED a statement from Prince (and certainly didn’t expect one given his history), his silence I think hurt some fans on an emotional level.
Michael’s passing has brought a lot of people together – many who were strangers prior – and we’ve found solace in knowing we’re not alone in what’s proven to be an unexpected depth of grief. I think for some Prince fans we were hoping for a sign that Prince cared – that we had something in common here – especially after the past year of feeling slighted by the failure (yes, it’s a failure) of the Lotusflow3r website, songs like “No More Candy 4 U”, and various lawsuits. It had just as much to do with Prince’s behavior of late towards his fans as it did Michael’s death.
Posted at 13:50h, 16 OctoberPrince.org is an awful “fan” site.
Posted at 13:43h, 16 OctoberAlways admired Prince’s originality and talent. He is dazzling in performance. But Michael is LOVED in life anad death for the original, talented, dazzling and more supernova that he was. No star has ever shone brighter and won’t in this lifetime.
Posted at 13:34h, 16 OctoberI wouldnt want to dwell on it because perhaps it would make me think of my own mortality. I wouldnt like to halt my creative juices comparing my own life with my own. Im still alive so why do or would I comment on someone who’s creativity is lost? Imi just saying…it’s a lost for everyone and that’s just about sums it up.
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Posted at 13:25h, 16 October[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by 55 Secret Street and Nichelle Gainer, RIP Michael Jackson. RIP Michael Jackson said: Prince Talks About Michael Jackson’s Death: Prince & Michael Jackson. Photo: MSN.Com In a french interview, .. http://bit.ly/8b14C #MJ […]
Posted at 13:10h, 16 October… P didn’t say anything about his parents passing and he did not attend either one of their funerals. So why would he say anything about MJ’s passing?
Posted at 12:52h, 16 OctoberThanks 4 this..just happy 2 hear him share something about his feelings toward Michael’s death…
Posted at 12:22h, 16 OctoberThank you for this Doc.
Posted at 12:18h, 16 OctoberToo little too late! Geez, what is SO wrong about commenting on an icon’s death? Why does he always have to be so cryptic and weird? Show some compassion for once!
Posted at 12:06h, 16 Octoberthanx 4 sharing
Posted at 12:02h, 16 OctoberHe mentioned Michael Jackson’s name two times in two sentences. That’s not the same as actually talking about MJ. And the answer to the last question is phrased in very general terms, like not clear if this ” sad losing someone you loved” is referring to him personally or Michael’s family.
But since the guy is allways so cryptical I guess it’s safe to say he’s saying something without really saying something .
Something nice.