11 Jan Leno Show Cancelled As Late Night Lays In Limbo

Conan O'Brien & Jay Leno Friday May 29th, 2009 Photo: NBC.com
NBC made the news “official” when they announced the cancellation of “The Jay Leno Show” on Sunday, which will take place Feb. 12th.
NBC wants Jay back at 11:30 P.M., and Conan either at 12:00 or 12:30 followed by Jimmy Fallon. In my opinion, Conan took his late night slot too easy in the sense of he never thought there was going to be a threat of it being taken away.
For those that followed an article I wrote back in August, where I called Conan the George W. Bush of talk show hosts, I saw this coming. NBC says what they will do with Conan will be made clear in the future. The reason they say that, is they expect either Conan to walk away and go elsewhere or get a huge pay day, or, the most surprising, for him to stay where he is.
Let’s be honest here; a 30 minute Leno show won’t work. They say 30 minutes but they want Leno for the full hour. They knew the announcement would upset Conan and it did. It’s interesting because they said they spoke with Conan and Fallon on Sunday and they were both “cool” with the decision.
More will be made clear with Conan soon but I have a feeling it will take some time. Negotiations with NBC between Jay, Conan, and Jimmy are expected to start today.-Dr.FB
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Posted at 01:02h, 07 April… [Trackback]
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Negotiations Latenight Nbc | Leno holds nothing back in monologue after getting prime time ax | imacroautobots.com
Posted at 04:15h, 12 January[…] Leno Show Cancelled As Late Night Lays In Limbo | Drfunkenberry.comNBC wants Jay back at 11:30 P.M., and Conan either at 12:00 or 12:30 followed by Jimmy Fallon. In my opinion, Conan took his late night slot too easy in the sense of he never thought there was going to be a threat of it being taken away ……[Read More] […]
Posted at 17:16h, 11 January^I gotta agree with you Sbacon1999, I think Conan is leaving NBC and going to Fox. Leno is probably going to wind up with The Tonight Show again, which he never should have given up in the first place.
Posted at 14:00h, 11 January^ Soap opera for real! I have to laugh at NBC – how late do they think people really stay up?
I say Conan goes away – he was never doing well in the Tonight Show spot anyway. It’s just not his audience. Jay’s humor and sensibilities go better with that older crowd I think. No offense to Conan – he can be really funny. But I just don’t think he is the classic comedian that the Tonight Show usually has.
Posted at 11:26h, 11 JanuaryThis is as good as a soap opera. Everyone is talking about Jay, Conan and Jimmy but what about Carson Daly? His show comes on after Jimmy Fallon’s at 1:35, are they going to move it to 2:35? Is he going to be in on the negotiations too? It’s a big mess that everyone saw coming except for NBC and I say good for them. NBC created the mess and now they got to go through hell to clean it up. I look forward to seeing Jay back at 11:35 because it’s a better fit for him than 10pm was.