07 Aug Dita Von Teese & Mayte Turn It Out @ Avalon
Dita Von Teese July 2009. Photo Taken By Dr.Funkenberry
So it seems we were not the only ones having trouble getting photos of Dita Von Teese & Mayte Garcia performing a couple of weeks ago.. The photo above of Dita is the only one I took before some security dude told me to chill on taking photos or else. Guess my pink wristband was for access but not photo press for this burlesque and belly dance show.
Dita Von Teese tore it up with a musical number to start off the show and ended up with her in a bathtub. She has great bodily dimensions but every time I think about Marilyn Manson, I lose interest.

Mayte Garcia At Dita Event. Photo: WireImage.com
Mayte was on second and got a pretty good reception from the crowd before she started her routine. Straight up, Mayte is hot like soup! She was shaking and barefoot no less obviously. Girl got abs of steel.
Another girl performed along with 2 more Dita performances but I chilled back in the VIP area where I got into a little bit of trouble. No need to get into it though.
While leaving, I was followed out right behind Perez Hilton & his “date” Jewel. Too funny. The future followed behind the present and soon to be the past. Jewel has been all up in Perez’s butt as of late. She has to realize she will never have the success of Katy Perry or Lady Gaga so stop trying so hard to be his friend. Desperate baby.
Back on point, had a great time with Dita & Mayte and it did turn into the ex-wives and girlfriend’s club of Prince in the VIP section with Mayte (Wife #1), Manuela Testolini (Wife #2) with Eric Benet, and Carmen Electra (Go-Go Dancer #1) were all there. Who would have thought? Purple craziness.-Dr.FB
(P.S. We got some photos of Mayte’s performance and will be posting them very soon today!)
Posted at 12:07h, 07 August🙂
Posted at 11:47h, 07 AugustTELL MAYTE THEY NEED TO DO AN ENCORE!!! i was out of town and I’m BUMMED!! Have Carmen perform too!!! LOL
Perez Who?
Posted at 08:51h, 07 AugustOh that Mayte Garcia is soooo pretty! And she’s a sweet girl.
Posts about Perez Hilton as of August 7, 2009 » The Daily Parr
Posted at 07:38h, 07 August[…] Jesus tucked down her cleavage: Details of her Playboy photos are, um, scant: “There is nudity. Dita Von Teese & Mayte Turn It Out @ Avalon – drfunkenberry.com 08/07/2009 Dita Von Teese July 2009. Photo Taken By Dr.Funkenberry So it seems […]
Posted at 04:30h, 07 AugustLOL thankyou, sounds like it was all happening in the VIP area? Will look forward to seeing Mayte’s photos!
Posted at 04:06h, 07 Augustthat night sounds fab, a tad surreal, and beyond sexy. Dita Von Tease doesn’t do anything for me, really, I enjoy beauty and the interviews I’ve seen and read but she feels more like a classical sculture to me.
Mayte Garcia nearly defines human female beauty.